Sigma Sixth

Contact Sigma Sixth Tendring on 01255 424266
Contact Sigma Sixth Colchester on 01206 545222


The Sigma Trust has 5 Members that include the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

The Members have a role akin to shareholders. Founding Members are signatories to the Articles of Association. They have the power to amend the Trust’s Articles, receive the annual accounts and appoint Trustees as set out in the Articles. The Members meet on a termly basis which includes the Annual General Meeting.


The Trust is overseen by a Board of Trustees, currently consisting of 10 members including the Chair and Chief Executive Officer. Trustees are responsible for governing and exercising all the powers of the Trust. This includes:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, values and strategic direction.
  • Holding the CEO to account for the educational performance of the Trust’s academies
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the Trust and ensuring legal compliance.

In addition to the LGCs, the Board of Trustees has three formal sub-committees; Finance, Audit & Risk and Standards.

Local Governance Committee

The Sigma Trust firmly believes in local governance structures. LGCs have delegated functions as set out in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. The Trustees remain accountable and responsible for these functions. The duties of the LGCs include:

  • Establishing the vision and ethos for the relevant academy ensuring that it fits within and promotes the vision and ethos of the Trust.
  • Safeguarding and promoting the values of the Academy
  • Supporting the Headteacher of the Academy and being a critical friend
  • Monitoring the achievement, quality of teaching and behavior and safety within the Academy
  • Engagement with the Academy’s key stakeholders e.g. parents/carers, pupils and staff
  • Advising the Trustees about local issues they need to consider that affect the Academy

The Trust is moving towards a structure where each LGC consists of four or five “Regional Governors” that sit on more than one LGC, sometimes these LGCs are combined and meet on the same night. The Regional Governors will have a number of years of experience that they can bring to the LGC and may include Trustees. The remaining members of the LGC must include two elected parents and two staff members, including the Headteacher. The Chairs of the LGCs meet with the Chair of the Trust and the CEO on a termly basis.